Sunday 30 June 2013

Entrepreneurship Hits Global Stage in UN Genral Assembly

Yesterday, entrepreneurship was given a spotlight panel at the United Nations General Assembly. This was a great sign of the growing belief that entrepreneurship provides a path to economic growth and a decrease in poverty levels around the world. Our VP of Entrepreneurship, Thom Ruhe, was asked to speak on a panel to discuss entrepreneurship education — an exciting opportunity for the Foundation to continue our mission of advancing entrepreneurship on a global scale.
Thom talked about the importance of presenting people with the opportunity to adopt an entrepreneurial mindset, something we believe can ignite them to follow their ideas and passions into thriving businesses and ventures. He highlighted the need to provide people with the tools and education that allow entrepreneurship to flourish in cities and countries everywhere. Describing several of our programs (Global ScholarsIce House Entrepreneurship Program, and Kauffman FastTrac), Thom demonstrated the significance of infusing entrepreneurship into educational programs of all levels, and for people of all ages.
Thom also pointed out that Kauffman's Global Entrepreneurship Week opens doors on a worldwide scale by raising awareness of the economic benefits from encouraging entrepreneurs to start and grow companies. This year, during the week of November 18, more than 20,000 events will take place in 135 countries.
Many of the other panelists seconded Thom's thoughts with declarations that innovation and creativity are essential for thriving nations and economies. Luke Williams, a professor at NYU's Stern Business School, added that "an entrepreneurial mindset is the best thing economic leaders can have these days." Hopefully, this and other comments made to the General Assembly go a long way in solidifying entrepreneurship's seat at the table alongside the other topics regularly discussed on this global stage. For Thom’s final statement, a quote from our founder Mr. Ewing Kauffman, said it all. "Every individual we can inspire, that we can guide, that we can help to start a new company is vital to the future of our economic welfare."

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